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What Type of Zoysia Grass Is Best

Type of Zoysia Grass in DFW Lawn

All right man. I’m over here at Brokers. This is what gets me excited. Just crazy awesome Zoysia grass. So Brokers Quality Turf Grass is where I buy a ton of my grass. If you buy a, need a square two or one pallet, you’re doing it yourself this is where you’ll want to come as well. But they’re crazy about Zoysia grasses too and there’s a lot of different types and varieties of Zoysia grasses. My favorite is the Zeon and the Palisades Zoysia but checks out all the types of Zoysia they’re carrying over here.

El Toro Zoysia

We’re just going to go down the line okay. So this is called El Toro, it’s a medium blade grass. If you get a closeup look over here you can tell that it’s a medium blade grass as opposed to right here is some called L1F. This is a door fine blade. It’s stinking beautiful. I know there’s a couple of weeds in here but if you just look at how short this stuff is this is some sick looking awesome fine blade dwarf grass.

Crown, Palisades, and Zeon Zoysia

Next, we have Crown Zoysia. Crown Zoysia is another medium blade grass. And you can see Palisades, this is what we usually buy. So Crown and Palisades you can’t even tell the difference. I’ll have to look at the specifics on the specs of why the two different kinds of grass. But Palisades is by far our number two seller next to Zeon and Zeon’s right here. So, this is a fine blade grass that we sell the most of. So if you see this Zeon let’s go back and compare this Zeon to the L1F over here. The L1F, that’s a different name. I wonder if that’s the same as Trinity Zoysia grass. So, take a close up look at this grass right here. This is our number one seller Zeon Zoysia and a lot of people come to this stinking short. It’s beautiful grass.

L1F and Emerald Zoysia

Come over here again and look at this L1F. A real closeup look at my hand down here and see that it’s a fine blade but it’s really dwarfy I’m going to have to talk to these people about this and see if this is closer to that golf course green looking stuff. I’ve got to check this, I’ve got to learn more about that grass.

And then so you’ve got Emerald grass right here. So Emerald grass kind of looks like the Zeon grass. They’re both fine-bladed grass. And we used to install a lot of Emerald grass but we noticed that when you put a little fertilizer down this stuff batches up a lot and it looks beautiful but for just the purposes of that batch we quit installing it because when you got along that’s heavy in batch it’s really hard to mow so we stay away from them.

Cavalier Zoysia

Now another awesome grass is the Cavalier Zoysia over here. So. We’ve installed quite a few lawns of Cavalier, but if I had to pick between Cavalier and Zeon I’m always going to go with Zeon. So this is, you probably won’t be able to tell the difference. In fact, I can’t even tell the difference if I’m looking at a Cavalier lawn and a Zeon lawn. They look pretty much the same. The color is a little bit darker on the Zeon and but the thing is there’s a little bit heartier too. So I’m going to go with Zeon every single time. Even though Cavalier looks fricking stinking beautiful Zeon just has a tiny bit more advantage over that Cavalier from what I’ve seen.

Empire Zoysia

So, and then you’ve got Empire which I’ve never installed, I don’t know anything about it. This patch is just riddled full of weeds but don’t consider too much. This is just a little sample patch they have up here. It’s been abused up here. This is not something that is taken care of like your home lawn would be but yeah it’s a nice awesome. It looks like a very short growing medium blade grass. So, lots of stuff to learn about. Maybe if we go to Blade Runner Farms they’re going to have some more sample bedding areas like this and we can see some more stuff.

So, right now I’m most curious about this L1F so that’s a sick looking Zoysia. I don’t know what the growth characteristics are as far as shade, drought tolerance, and just density and stuff like that, ease of maintenance. I’m going to learn a lot more about that and teach you guys about that when I find out.”

Contact us today to get a quote for your Zoysia sod installation.

Published by Tanner Maxson

CEO of Main Street Mowing and also the owner of this website showcasing our Zoysia installations. I love Zoysia grass and take a moment and geek out with me a little bit. Review some of the other blog posts I have written.

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